Statement Of Purpose



Purpose of Document

This document summarises basic information about LOVING ARMS Care Ltd for users of our service, people who are considering using our service, and their friends, relatives, Carers and representatives of users and potential users. It includes the material required by the Health and Social Care Act 2008. It should be read in conjunction with our service user’s guide.


Loving Arms Care LTD offers a wealth of personal and functional care and associated domestic services to meet the needs of dependent clients (“Service Users”) these may include older people, those with a disability and people who need assistance due to illness to continue living in their own homes and community. This will be achieved by promoting a standard of excellence, which embraces fundamental principles of Good Care practice that is witnessed and evaluated through the practice, conduct and control of quality care in the domestic environment.

Our Principles

  • Focus on service users. We aim to provide a service that is driven by the needs and aspirations of our service users by listening to them.
  • Fitness of purpose. We are committed to achieving our stated aims and objectives through reviewing our service. We welcome the feedback from our service users and their representatives.
  • Comprehensiveness. We aim to provide a package of care, working with other Health and Social Care agencies, to meet the needs and preferences of our service users.
  • Meeting Assessed Needs. The care we provide is based on the thorough assessment of needs and the systematic and on-going planning of care for each service user, made in conjunction with care managers and other health care professionals.
  • Quality Services. We are committed to providing a quality service and continuous improvement of the care we provide.

Services Aims & Objectives

Person Centered care forms the core of the service we provide here at LOVING ARMS Care and our staff are committed to meeting with our aims and objectives:

  • To deliver a service of the highest quality that will improve and sustain the client’s overall quality of life.
  • To ensure that the service is delivered flexibly, attentively and in a non-discriminatory fashion while respecting each client’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, fulfillment, and the rights to make informed choices and take risks.
  • To ensure that each client’s needs and values are respected in matters of religion, culture, race or ethnic origin, sexuality and sexual orientation, political, affiliation, marital status, parenthood and disabilities or impairments.
  • To match the nominated Support Worker as closely as possible with the client and respecting the need to change the Support Worker in the event of subsequent non-compatibility.
  • To manage the Care Service efficiently and effectively, to make best use of resources and to maximize the value of money for the purchaser / Service User.
  • To involve service users and Support Worker in the provisions, management and development of services which will be monitored regularly as part of the quality assurance framework ensuring that the service is run in the best interests of our service users.

Organizational Statement of Good Practice

The philosophy of the Organization is to reflect and promote values that focus upon the individual client of the service user as being at the centre of care, service planning and service delivery. To help achieve this, the organization has drawn upon the fundamental Core Values of Care to develop the following Service Values, which form the basis for considering the provision of an individual Care Service:

  • Autonomy and independence of personal decision-making, including the assumption of risks as well as responsibilities associated with citizenship.
  • Choice of occupational activities, lifestyle, and the best way to maintain independence including the opportunity to select independently from a range of options.
  • Respect for the intrinsic worth, dignity and individuality of the person and his / her racial and ethnic identity and cultural heritage.
  • Knowledge about conditions and prospects, options and opportunities and ways of improving the individual’s life.
  • Fulfillment of personal aspirations and abilities in all aspects of daily life, including the chance of developing new skills and knowledge.
  • Privacy from unnecessary intrusion, and the preservation and safeguarding of confidentiality.
  • Equality of opportunity and access to services irrespective of age, race, or ethnic origin, colour, religion, political affiliation, disability or impairments, marital status, parenthood, sexual gender, or sexual orientation.

The realisation of these values together with the level of help and support required to achieve goals will be a unique process for each person – every person is an individual. However, the value principles remain constant and will provide a sound foundation for the provision of care to all, regardless of personal circumstances and in accordance with the organization’s Equal Opportunities Policy.

Nature of The Services Provided

At LOVING ARMS Care we have a care coordinator and manager who meet service users prior to commencing service, to agree on the care needs requirements of service users and assess each individual before service is offered including aspects such as when the service will begin and the times, frequency, and duration of care to be provided.

6.1 Categories of Service Users whom we cater for:

The Elderly people                                      

People with physical disabilities 

People with mental health problems 

People in need of personal care 

People with Dementia 

People with Learning Disabilities 

People with Sensory Impairment 


The Support Workers that LOVING ARMS Care employs are trained, supervised, and supported to provide a quality service to a wide range of people who need care and support whist living in their own homes, ensuring:

Service users feel that they are treated with respect and valued as a person, and their right to privacy is upheld.

Service users are assisted to make their own decisions and control their own lives and are supported in maintaining their independence.

All service users are treated equally and are protected against any form of discrimination.

A service user plan is produced through consultation with each care users, including information about care needs, wishes, preferences and personal goals.

Key personal and care support is provided with:

    • Dressing and undressing

    • Bathing, washing, shaving and or oral hygiene.

    • Toilet and continence requirements 

    • Manual handling

    • Eating and meals

    • Handling personal possessions and documents

6.2 Specialist tasks:

There are aspects of the service that we provide which require our Support Worker to be trained specifically to undertake such tasks. The Support Worker will be trained in the procedure before performing the task with the service user, and a trainer with relevant qualification will sign a form to indicate that the care worker has completed the training and is competent in undertaking the task.

6.3 Tasks requiring specialist training include:

Assisting with artificial feeding (except medication)

Catheter care – changing bags, monitoring output.

Assistance with eye care

Ileostomy and colostomy care – changing bags.

6.4 Support Worker will NOT undertake tasks that require skills and

      Expertise of clinical professionals. Such tasks include:

    • Toe and nail cutting

    • Ear syringing

    • Removing or replacing urinary catheters

    • Bowel evacuations

    • Bladder washouts

    • Injections – involving assembling syringes, administering intravenously, controlled drugs. 

    • Filling of oxygen cylinders 

    • Skin prick tests for diabetics 

    • Any invasive procedures 

LOVING ARMS Care does not provide nursing care services.

Service Users’ Rights

We place the rights of service users at the forefront of our philosophy of care. It is an accepted practice for individuals to express and exercise their rights.

Some of the rights that we want the service users to express, and exercise are:

7.1. Privacy

We strive to retain as much privacy as possible for our service users in the following ways:

    • Giving help to personal situations as discreetly as possible.

    • Guaranteeing service users privacy when using the telephone, opening, and reading post and communicating with friends, relatives or advisors. 

    • Ensuring confidentiality of information, the agency holds about service users. Response is signed up to the Information Sharing Protocol.

7.2. Dignity

Disabilities quickly undermine dignity, so we try to preserve respect for our service users’ intrinsic value in the following ways:

    • Treating each service user as a valued individual.

    • Helping service users to present themselves to others as they wish through their own clothing, personal appearance and behaviour in public.

    • Tackling the stigma from which our service users may suffer through age, disability, or status.

    • Addressing individuals by their preferred title.

7.3. Independence

All service users are encouraged to maintain as much independence and individuality as possible in the following ways:

    • Providing as tactfully as possible, human, or technical assistance when it is needed.

    • Maximising the abilities our service users retain for self-care, for independent interaction with others, and for carrying out the tasks of daily living unaided.

    • Helping service users take reasonable and fully thought-out risks.

    • Promoting opportunities for service users to establish and retain contacts beyond their home.

    • Encouraging service users to have access to and contribute to the records of their own care. All service users receive a copy of their care plan.

7.4. Choice

We aim to help service users, exercise the opportunity to select from a range of options in all aspects of their lives, in the following ways:

    • By encouraging service users to exercise choice in their selection of organisations and individuals who support them.

    • To manage our service so far as possible to service user’s preferences as regards to the staff that support them.

    • Avoiding wherever possible treating service users as a homogeneous group.

7.5 Fulfilment

We want to help our service users to realise personal aspirations and abilities in all aspects of their lives. We seek to assist this in the following ways:

    • Informing ourselves as fully as each service user wish, about their individual histories and characteristics.

    • Responding appropriately to the personal, intellectual, artistic and spiritual values and practices of every service user.

    • Respecting the service user’s religious, ethnic and cultural diversity.

    • Attempting always to listen and attend promptly to any service user’s desire to communicate at whatever level.

7.6. Civil Rights

We aim to help our service users to continue to enjoy their rights in the following ways:

    • Provide easy access for our service users and their friends and relatives to complain about or give feedback on our services.

    • Encourage our service users to make full use of all services present in their local area.

Names of Responsible Individual and Registered Manager

8.1 Responsible individual is Mr. Liver Ndlovu

The primary founder, LIVER NDLOVU, is a trained and experienced Health Care worker. LIVER has got NVQ 3 in Health and Social Care, Access for Nursing and midwifery Diploma, Cert in Health, and social Care at the University of Glyndwr. Cert in Health Studies, Level 5 Management qualification in Health and Social Care and Degree in Health and wellbeing at the University of Hull and has 10 years’ experience in the care sector. Also has experience in Domiciliary care, Supported Living and live-in care. 

8.2 Registered Manager

Mr Liver Ndlovu

Support Workers Staff Qualifications & Experience

We recognise that for most Service Users the most important people in our organisation are the care and support workers with whom service users will have regular contact.

We take great care in recruiting, training, and supervising our staff. Our staff have a wide range of qualifications.

The Organisation shall retain a complete record of all qualifications, credentials and experience gained for each staff member, whether full-time or part-time. These records may be found in the Staff Files retained at the organisations offices and are of limited access for reasons of confidentiality and security. 

As summary, Support workers are required to have, as a minimum, the following qualifications for them to provide care services at clients’ houses.

Moving and Handling                 - updated annually.

Health & Safety                          - updated annually.

Food Hygiene                    - updated annually.

Basic Life Support                    - updated every six months.

Lone Worker       - updated every six months.

Infection Control               - updated every six months.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Children and Adults     - updated every six months.

Information Governance              - updated annually.

Complaints handling and Conflict Management    - updated annually.

Role of the Care Worker            - updated annually.

Fire Safety - updated annually.

Induction training incorporates shadowing an experience member of staff, interactive induction CD, an induction questionnaire in line with the Mandatory and Medication training standards, the above training and discussion session with a manager.

All members of care staff are offered NVQ 2 training after 6 months of employment and we work closely with local colleges and other training providers to reach our goal.

Legal Status Of Loving Arms Care Limited

Loving Arms Care Ltd is a registered Limited company. The Company Registration number is 09564833. 

Business Address

The business address is: 

76 Morrell Street



South Yorkshire

United Kingdom

S66 7LJ

[email protected]

Tel: 07542886461 / 07916256658


We have established ourselves in South Yorkshire and we operate in all County Councils and Cities that are in South Yorkshire. 

The office is open Monday to Friday, from 0900hrs to 1630hrs. During this time, you can contact the staff using the details on the front of your service user pack. Outside of these hours, Response provides an on-call service which users of the domiciliary care agency can use. To contact someone if there is a problem, please call 07393329702 and ask for the

Mobile Team on-call. You will be asked for your name and number and the team member on-call will call you back.


We classify Service User feedback as follows, 

Types of feedback:

    • Compliments – positive input regarding aspects of care service

    • Comments – still positive, but possible scope for improvement

    • Concerns – negative feedback where action may be required to address a problem.

    • Complaints – serious concerns on the part of the service user, requiring a formal action as described below.

There is formal process for the management in handling complaints from service users. This is documented in the complaint’s procedure. The Policy provides for appropriate investigation and a timely response to the complainant, and if required the means for the service user to take the complaint to the appropriate regulatory authorities. This is explained in the service user guide and the service user is also made aware of the right to complain prior to finalizing the care service contract.

To ensure that the service we provide matches your need and your expectations we welcome any comments you may wish to make.

As one of our clients you are perfectly entitled to make complaints at any time. If you wish to complain about the service, you receive from us then you should follow the steps below:

If possible, the problem should be discussed with the person providing the service or your care manager who will do his / her best to resolve the problem quickly.

If you feel unable to discuss the problem with your care manager or feel they are unable to solve the problem, then you should contact the director. 

If possible, at this stage, you should record your complaint in writing and send it to Loving Arms Care. You may wish to ask a friend or relative to write out the complaint for you, which, if possible, you should sign.

If you are not happy about making the complaint yourself and you do not know someone who is prepared to talk to us on your behalf, we will be happy to find someone from an independent organization to act as an advocate for you.

If we receive a written complaint, it may take a little time to consider it fully, but we will write to you within one week to acknowledge receipt of the complaint and to inform you of the steps, we are taking to resolve it.

If no immediate solution is found we will investigate the complaint fully, contacting those concerned. We will then write to you within a further 3 weeks with details of our findings, action we have taken, and proposals to resolve your complaint. 

If at any stage in the proceeding you feel your complaint has not been dealt with, you can as a last resort contact Care Quality Commission. 

Loving Arms Care ensures that its entire staff is highly skilled, are trained in identifying abuse situations and providing a service that safeguards protection of vulnerable adults and child protection. We employ in-depth policies, which all our Support Workers are aware of, and practice, and follow the steps to take if they have any concerns regarding possible abuse situations. However, if you are concerned about such a situation your first step is to contact the Registered Manger who will instigate the companies abuse procedure. 

The contact addresses are as follows:

Registered Manager 


76 Morrell Street



South Yorkshire

United Kingdom

S66 7LJ

[email protected]

Tel: 07542886461 / 07916256658

If you feel that the complaint is still unresolved then it would be passed to the

following person:

The Registered Provider


76 Morrell Street



South Yorkshire

United Kingdom

S66 7LJ

[email protected]

Tel: 07542886461 / 07916256658


Service Users have the right to contact the Care Quality Commission on the following address at any time even without contacting Loving Arms Care first

Complaints, concerns, comments & compliments

We know that service users may become dissatisfied from time to time and may even suffer abuse inside or outside of the agency. To tackle such problems, we will do the following:

    • Provide and operate a simple, clear, and accessible complaints procedure.

    • Take all necessary action to protect the service user’s legal rights.

    • Make all possible efforts to protect service user from every sort of abuse and from the various possible abusers.

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